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Mondial Living

Mondial-Living is outdoor living in its finest form, with beautiful garden furniture sets in several styles. With 20 years of experience in creating private label garden furniture they are not new…. just a hidden gem

Mondial Living

Mondial has over 25 years of experience as a supplier of elegant garden furniture to Garden Centres and outdoor furniture specialists.

Wonder why you never spotted the brand? It’s because they specialize in developing own brand customized ranges with their customers!

Key lines of furniture Mondial specializes in are:
• Wicker
• Aluminium
• Wood
• Prestige

Short communication lines, a solution-targeted approach and great service make Mondial Living a preferred choice for many Garden Centres and Furniture specialists.

Managing Director Bart Jongman: “Our customers are garden furniture specialists in Europe and North America. We have been the direct link between manufacturers and outdoor furniture specialists for nearly 25 years. As a result, Mondial Living now disposes of a valuable network within the garden furniture sector.


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